Monday 23 February 2009

Training Update

This weekend's training was a barn-storming, groin-ruining run around the Ettington and Stratford area, highlights included:
  • No-one else turning up. You lightweights.
  • Me moaning about my legs hurting, probably because for the first time on a Saturday morning I didn't have a hangover to distract me.
  • A big bloody hill.
  • Slightly homo-erotic conversation about the relative development of thigh muscles on a roundabout near Stratford.
  • Gary noticing that you get a far better class of chav kid in south Warwickshire.
  • Back for a sausage sandwich in Moo.
  • An average speed of about 14mph, which will do us nicely cheers.
Next weekend is looking like an odyssey to the east, which I imagine may be the first time anyone has compared a bike ride to Rugby with a classic of ancient greek literature.

9am at the Star and Garter if you're interested.

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