Tuesday 7 April 2009

Gary Speaks: Day Two Update

Here are Gary's exclusive thoughts on today's cycling fun (note how he glosses over his inappropriate behaviour after I was forced to share a double bed with him last night. Mel you have my deep and eternal sympathy):

"Any hopes that the curvature of the earth would assist our ride were dashed
by a 60 mile up hill ride with strong head Winds and heavy rain.

Couple that with sleep deprivation from Duffy and Morton's (who I shared a
bed with to save money) thunder like snoring and you have a days cycling
which lance Armstrong would find tough.

However the two of us lifted each others spirits enough to complete the
ride to sligo and experience a hostel which makes the Bates motel look like
the Hilton.

Guinness and fast food tonight to keep the costs down and early to bed
(without Jim) will see out day 2."

here is a photo of a typical view from today, one of the rare moments when the wind and rain died down to non-monsoon levels:

We are now holed up in a very nice hotel in Sligo having considered taking up a few beds in a cheap hostel which seemed like a cross between a morgue and the set of One Flew Over The Cuckoo's Nest.

Off for absolutely loads of food, after really not eating enough today and coming over all faint. Oooh Matron.

1 comment:

  1. Well done! The photo looks like Dartmoor, are you sure you are in the right place? Sorry about the snoring he probably gets it from his Dad!!
