Tuesday 24 March 2009

Project: Lard - A highlight report

The second Project: Lard, weigh-in (in association with PCM Limited) led to a frankly depressing outcome as you can tell from a quick glance at the chart below. It seems that the incredibly ascetic lifestyle I have been living - the sort of thing that even a particularly dull, vegan, silent monk would probably describe as "way depressing" - has had the net effect of actually making me heavier. Yes. Heavier. Marvellous.

The little ticket from the machine that informed me of my weight, height and BMI, cheerfully advertised that hard-core weight loss products and "Create Your Own Will" kits were available in this very store. I started to sob, put all my clothes back on and left.

But on the other hand, at least I wasn't the member of the team that took the piss and then actually broke the scales in the Warwick branch of Boots.

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